City of Demopolis
Main Office Info
Office Hours: Monday – Friday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM – excluding holidays
After Hours Emergency Call: 334-289-3328
Address: 103 East Capitol Street
Demopolis, Alabama 36732
Telephone: 334-289-3328
Waste Water Treatment Plant
Address: 2101 Water Avenue
Demopolis, Alabama 36732
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 350
Demopolis, AL 36732
Bills are generated and mailed on the 25th of each month. These bills are due on the 10th day of the following month. A penalty is applied to all unpaid bills on the 11th day of the month. Cut off date and a reconnection fee for all unpaid accounts is applied on the 21st of the month.
Failure to recieve a bill does not exempt penalties or service disconnection.
We are not responsible for late remittance made through the mail service.
- In-person | Visit our main office located at 103 E. Capitol Street. (We accept cash, check or money orders.)
- Drop box service | Available at 103 E. Capitol Street. (No cash in drop box, please)
- US mail | P.O. Box 350, Demopolis, AL 36732 – enclose the bottom portion of your bill with your payment.
- Bank Draft, it’s quick and it’s free. Customer’s can sign up for bank draft at the main office. All that you need is a voided check and complete a short form. All forms can be obtained at the main office and are available under the “Resources” tab above.
- Pay online by clicking the button below. (Be advised, online payments will be processed the next business day. Online account balances are not updated daily and do not include any fees or late penalties. Processing fees will apply: $1.00 for e-check, $2.45 minimum for credit card)
- Do not use DOXO to pay your bill as we do not support that website.
Anyone needing to make application for water and sewer services will need to visit our main office located at 103 E. Capitol St. Our office hours are Monday thru Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Please bring two (2) forms of identification, one of which must be picture ID. A deposit will need to be made before services can begin. All applications received after 3:00 PM will be processed the following business day.
- 3/4″Inch Meter | $150.00
- 1 Inch Meter | $150.00
- 2 Inch Meter | $200.00
- 3 Inch Meter | $500.00
- 4 Inch Meter | $500.00
- 6 Inch Meter | $500.00
- Our solid waste contract is currently with Waste Management.
- Complaints concerning garbage pickup are handled through their local office by calling 334-212-7790 and speaking with the Manager.
- Residents must call the City of Demopolis Public Works for pick up of limbs and white goods. Please call 334-654-4330 to schedule a pickup. In your message, please include your name, phone number, address and a brief description of what needs to be picked up.
Under Alabama State Law, excavators must give utility companies a MINIMUM of 48 hours notice before starting to dig. Demopolis Water Works and Sewer Board is a member of the Alabama One-Call service; therefore, you must contact 1-800-292-8525 if you are going to be working in our service area.

Water Rates
RESIDENTIAL Inside City Limits Outside City Limits
- 0-3,000 Gallons $19.76 Minimum $37.45 Minimum
- Next 7,000 Gallons $ 3.46 Per Thousand $ 5.80 Per Thousand
- Next 30,000 Gallons $ 3.12 Per Thousand $ 5.48 Per Thousand
- Next 60,000 Gallons $ 2.73 Per Thousand $ 5.37 Per Thousand
- Next 100,000 Gallons $ 2.58 Per Thousand $ 5.37 Per Thousand
COMMERCIAL Inside City Limits Outside City Limits
- 0-3,000 Gallons $19.58 Minimum $37.45 Minimum
- Next 7,000 Gallons $ 3.42 Per Thousand $ 6.03 Per Thousand
- Next 30,000 Gallons $ 3.08 Per Thousand $ 5.69 Per Thousand
- Next 60,000 Gallons $ 2.70 Per Thousand $ 5.61 Per Thousand
- Next 100,000 Gallons $ 2.56 Per Thousand $ 5.61 Per Thousand
All meters 1″ in size, or greater, will have minimum usage charges applied. Rates available upon request.
Minimum Monthly Charges for Meter Sizes
- ¾ Inch Meter 3,000 Gallons at Present Rate Schedule
- 1 Inch Meter 10,000 Gallons at Present Rate Schedule
- 2 Inch Meter 20,000 Gallons at Present Rate Schedule
- 3 Inch Meter 30,000 Gallons at Present Rate Schedule
- 4 Inch Meter 40,000 Gallons at Present Rate Schedule
- 6 Inch Meter 60,000 Gallons at Present Rate Schedule
Sewer Rates | Residential & Commercial
- 0-3,000 Gallons of water usage | $20.57 Minimum
- All over 3,000 Gallons | $5.13 Per Thousand
- 0-20,000 Gallons of water usage | $93.07 Minimum
- All over 20,000 Gallons | $5.13 Per Thousand
All meters 1″ or greater in size will have minimum usage charges applied. Rates available upon request.
Garbage Rates | Residential & Commercial
- Residential | $30.00 per cart
- Additional Residential | $10.00 per cart
- Commercial | $36.00 per cart
General Fees
- Late Bill Fee (Bills paid after the 10th of each month) | $ 6.00
- Account Transfer Fee | $15.00
- Returned Check Fee | $35.00
- Reconnect Fee (for Non-Payment) | $50.00
- After Hours Call Out Fee | $75.00
- Service call to turn water off / on for customer repair | each $25.00
- Tampering Fee (minimum) plus legal action | $200.00
Meter Deposit Fees
- 3/4″Inch Meter | $150.00
- 1 Inch Meter | $150.00
- 2 Inch Meter | $200.00
- 3 Inch Meter | $500.00
- 4 Inch Meter | $500.00
- 6 Inch Meter | $500.00
New Water Tap Fees
- ¾ Inch Tap $500.00
- 1 Inch Tap $600.00
- 2 Inch Tap $1,000.00
All in excess of two (2) inch will need to contact the office for pricing.
Meter Set Fees
- ¾ Inch Meter $350.00
- 1 Inch Meter $500.00
- 2 Inch Meter $1,000.00
All in excess of two (2) inch will need to contact the office for pricing.
Water taps and meter sets will be made by the Demopolis Water Works. The meter will be locked. A backflow device and shut off valve (customer valve) will need to be installed by the customer. Once the backflow device and shut off valve (customer valve) has been installed the customer must call for an inspection. If all are properly installed the lock will be removed and the customer may connect their water line to the meter.
Sewer Fees
- .4 Inch Sewer Impact Fee $800.00
- Anything over 4 Inches add $200 per Inch
All above must contact office for pricing.
Sewer Taps must be made by a licensed plumber that will be hired by the customer. An inspection of the sewer tap must be made by the Demopolis Water Works and Sewer Board before it is covered.
Bore Fees
- 3/4 & 1 inch 2 Lane Road Bore | $800
- 3/4 & 1 inch 4 Lane Road Bore | $3,600
The above are estimates, contact office for exact pricing.
Tampering Fees
Any person(s) that installs any device directly onto a tapped water line without a water meter being installed and fees being paid will be considered as stealing of water services. This will carry a fine of no less than $200.00 and criminal charges will be filed.
Board Members:
- Jay Reynolds | Chairman
- Willard Williams | Vice Chairman
- Charles Jones, Jr. | Councilman Rep.
- Justina Allgood | Treasurer
- Chuck Smith | Director
- Mayor Woody Collins | Liaison
- Carey Windham | Office Manager